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Wednesday, 15 February 2012

CDS Assignement Questions

  1.  what is a one dimensional array. write a c program to find  largest number from a give list of numbers
  2. What is a two dimensional array ? Write a c program to find multiplication of 2 matrices and store the result in c matrix of order 3X3
  3. what is the difference between one dimensional string and 2 dimensional string>
    b)write a c program to print a list of 5 names in alphabetical order 
  4. explain string Handling functions in c language
  5. what is a function ?Explain with an example c program
  6. what is recursion?Explain with an example c program
    write a c program to find GCD b recursion.
  7. Explain storage class in c language
  8. what is the difference between call by value and call by address?
  9. what is a pointer?Explain with an example c program
  10. explain the concept of pointers and arrays with an example c program
  11. what is a structure?explain  with an example c program
  12. explain the concept of structure with a example c program
  13. what is the use of arrow operator in c language.Explain with an example c program
    Explain the concept of pointers to structures with an example c program.

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